Voki is a fun way of introducing technology into your lessons. Teachers love it because it motivates students to present book reports, projects, read alouds, poems, speeches, or review comprehension of a lesson. Students love it because they can be creative and design their own avatar from lots of character and setting choices. The coolest thing about Voki is it allows you to record your own audio! However, you can also use the text-to-speech feature or use a phone to make your recording. Check out the Voki I just created...
If you want to get started on your own, go to
www.voki.com and sign up for a free account. You can start out by browsing through character choices.
Have fun customizing your character with different hair styles, clothing, and bling! There are also options for you to customize the color and size of the character's mouth, eyes, hair, and skin. As well as, tweaking features such as body, height, and width.
Next, select a background for your character's setting. This may take a long time if your like me and browse through tons! And of course, choose how you are going to give your Voki a voice.
Don't forget to Publish your Voki when you are completely finished. You can then share your Voki through email, website link, or embed within your blog or website.
Want to check out some super cute ones? This link has student created examples from a kindergarten class. My favorite is second row down, third across :) Click
Have fun getting your Voki on!